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* How to JOIN a File Using HJSPLIT? Step by Step Tutorial-
With HJSplit you can not only split files, but also join the split parts back together again.
Information: a collection of split parts is set of files having all the same filename, exept for the extension at the end of the file name (.001, .002, .003, etc.) . Combining/joining these split parts is equivalent to restoring the original (pre-split) file.
After clicking on the ‘Join’ button in the main HJSplit screen, you will see the following screen:
To join a set of files, just perform the steps indicated below.
(1) Make sure the set of split parts (set of files ending in .001, .002, .003, etc.) to be joined all reside inside the same directory.
(2) click on the button ‘Input file’, in the screen directly above, which will open the dialog shown directly below:

(3) In this dialog, select the file you want to join. Then press the ‘Open’ button.
Information: please note that only the first file in the set of split parts (the .001 file) is visible in this dialog. Note that it is important that all split parts are in the same folder. When the other files which belong to the set of split parts (.002, .003, .004, etc.) are in the same folder, HJSplit will automatically find them during joining.
After pressing ‘Open’, the name and path of the file you just selected will appear in the ‘input file’ box, please see below:

(4) Press the ’start’ button in the screen above. HJSplit now shows a progressbar with the title ‘working’.

(5) Finally,you will see the message that joining is completed (see below).
That the joined file can now be found in the same folder as the split part (the .001 file you selected in step 2).
* How to increase your Download speed? (For Noobs !)
The best way to download something from the internet is downloading it through a download manager. As always I would suggest you to use IDM. This posting is about how to get the maximum download speed in IDM.
Once you install IDM and its crack follow this step by step guide…
1]- Open IDM and in the menu go to- Downloads > options as shown:

2]- In the configuration window click on connections tab and choose your connection speed that applies to your internet connection.See the caps:

3]- In default max parallel connections set its value to 16 as shown:

By changing the max connection from 8 to 16 you will notice a considerable increase in download speed as now IDM downloads from 16 parallel connections per file in comparison to the previous 8.