Friday, September 11, 2015

The French Revolution : Bastille

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The image of the French Bastille being stormed by the revolutionary crowd has been placed next to a similar fortress meant to represent the bastion of despotic rule in the German province of Kassel. Accompanying the illustration is the slogan: ‘The people must seize their own freedom!’ Rebmann lived in the city of Mainz and was a member of a German Jacobin group.

On the morning of 14 July 1789, the city of Paris was in a state of alarm. The king had commanded troops to move into the city. Rumours spread that he would soon order the army to open fire upon the citizens. Some 7,000 men and women gathered in front of the town hall and decided to form a peoples’ militia. They broke into a number of government buildings in search of arms.
Finally, a group of several hundred people marched towards the eastern part of the city and stormed the fortress-prison, the Bastille, where they hoped to find hoarded ammunition. In the armed fight that followed, the commander of the Bastille was killed and the prisoners released –
though there were only seven of them. Yet the Bastille was hated by all, because it stood for the despotic power of the king. The fortress was demolished and its stone fragments were sold in the markets to all those who wished to keep a souvenir of its destruction.
The days that followed saw more rioting both in Paris and the countryside. Most people were protesting against the high price of bread. Much later, when historians looked back upon this time, they saw it as the beginning of a chain of events that ultimately led to the execution of the king in France, though most people at the time did not anticipate this outcome.
How and why did this happen?
The Answer could be found in subsequent posts on French Revolution.

What evidence is there that the population of Paris were worried?
What was wrong with the official police force?

Below is an extract from the London Gazette from Saturday 18 July to Tuesday  July 21, 1789.

Burghers : an inhabitant of a town, esp. a member of the middle class; citizen.

Why were the people outside the Bastille so outraged when the Governor gave the order to fire on them?
Some were then allowed in – on what condition?
What happened to the 40 who went into the Bastille?
What happened to the Governor?

Below is an extract from the London Gazette from Saturday 18 July to Tuesday  July 21, 1789

Many historians now regard the French Revolution as a turning point in the history of Europe, but also in North America where many of the same ideas influenced the Declaration of Independence and the American Revolution. The famous slogan ‘Liberty, Equality and Fraternity’ called for every person’s right to freedom and equal treatment. Across France and the rest of Europe the consequences of the Revolution were huge. There were many new developments including the fall of the monarchy, changes in society with the rise of the middle class, and the growth of nationalism.
 According to the source, people lined the streets – how does the source describe their behaviour?How pleased were people with the King’s promises? How were people behaving?What evidence in the source suggests further trouble could easily break out?
Below is an extract from the London Gazette from Saturday 18 July to Tuesday 21 July, 1789

This is a letter from a Mr Jenkinson from Paris, dated 15 July 1789.

The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
TAKEN FROM NCERT BOOK ( India and the Contemporary World -II FOR CLASS X )
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In 1848, Frédéric Sorrieu, a French artist, prepared a series of four prints visualising his dream of a world made up of ‘democratic and social Republics’, as he called them.The first print (Fig. 1) of the
series, shows the peoples of Europe and America – men and women of all ages and social classes – marching in a long train, and offering homage to the statue of Liberty as they pass by it. As you would recall, artists of the time of the French Revolution personified Liberty as a female figure – here you can recognise the torch of Enlightenment she bears in one hand and the Charter of the Rights of Man in the other. On the earth in the foreground of the image lie the shattered remains of the symbols of absolutist (Literally, a government or system of rule that has no restraints on the power exercised. In history, the term refers to a form of monarchical government that was centralised, militarised and repressive) institutions. In Sorrieu’s utopian (A vision of a society that is so ideal that it is unlikely to actually exist) vision, the peoples of the world are grouped as distinct nations, identified through their flags and national costume. Leading the procession, way past the statue of Liberty, are the United States and Switzerland, which by this time were already nation-states. France, identifiable by the revolutionary tricolour, has just reached the statue.
She is followed by the peoples of Germany, bearing the black, red and gold flag. Interestingly, at the time when Sorrieu created this image, the German peoples did not yet exist as a united nation – the
flag they carry is an expression of liberal hopes in 1848 to unify the numerous German-speaking principalities into a nation-state under a democratic constitution. Following the German peoples are the peoples of Austria, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, Lombardy, Poland, England, Ireland, Hungary and Russia. From the heavens above, Christ, saints and angels gaze upon the scene. They have been used by the artist to symbolise fraternity among the nations of the world.
During the nineteenth century, nationalism emerged as a force which brought about sweeping changes in the political and mental world of Europe. The end result of these changes was the
emergence of the nation-state in place of the multi-national dynastic empires of Europe. The concept and practices of a modern state, in which a centralised power exercised sovereign control over a clearly defined territory, had been developing over a long period of time in Europe. But a nation-state was one in which the majority of its citizens, and not only its rulers, came to develop a sense of common identity and shared history or descent. This commonness did not exist from time immemorial; it was forged through struggles, through the actions of leaders and the common people.

Ernst Renan, ‘What is a Nation?’
In a lecture delivered at the University of Sorbonne in 1882, the French philosopher Ernst
Renan (1823-92) outlined his understanding of what makes a nation. The lecture was
subsequently published as a famous essay entitled ‘Qu’est-ce qu’une nation?’ (‘What is a Nation?’). In this essay Renan criticises the notion suggested by others that a nation is formed by a common language, race, religion, or territory:
‘A nation is the culmination of a long past of endeavours, sacrifice and devotion. A heroic past,
great men, glory, that is the social capital upon which one bases a national idea. To have common glories in the past, to have a common will in the present, to have performed great deeds together, to wish to perform still more, these are the essential conditions of being a people. A nation is therefore a large-scale solidarity … Its existence is a daily plebiscite (A direct vote by which all the people of a region are asked to accept or reject a proposal) … A province is its inhabitants; if anyone has the right to be consulted, it is the inhabitant. A nation never has any real interest in annexing or holding on to a country against its will. The existence of nations is a good thing, a necessity even. Their existence is a guarantee of liberty, which would be lost if the world had only one law and only one master.’


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The sun, eight planets, satellites and some other celestial bodies known as asteroids and meteoroids. form the solar system. We often call it a solar family, with the sun as its Head. 

The Sun:
The sun is in the centre of the solar system. It is huge and made up of extremely hot gases. It provides the pulling force that binds the solar system. The sun is the ultimate source of heat and light for the solar system. But that tremendous heat is not felt so much by us because despite being our nearest star, it is far away from us. The sun is about 150 million km away from the earth. 
There are eight planets in our solar system. In order of their distance from the sun, they are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
An easy way to memorise the name of the planets in order of their distance from the sun is:
All the eight planets of the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths. These paths are elongated. They are called orbits. Mercury is nearest to the sun. It takes only about 88 days to complete one round along its orbit. Venus is considered as ‘Earth’s-twin’ because its size and shape are very much similar to that of the earth.
Till recently (August 2006), Pluto was also considered a planet. However, in a meeting of the International Astronomical Union, a decision was taken that Pluto like other celestial objects (Ceres, 2003 UB313) discovered in recent past may be called ‘dwarf planets.”
Many words used in a language may have been taken from some other language. Geography, for example, is an English word. It has its origin in Greek, which relates to the description of the earth. It is made of two Greek words, ‘ge’ meaning’ ‘earth’ and ‘graphia’ meaning ‘writing’.
Aryabhatta was a famous astronomer of ancient India.
Sol’ in Roman mythology is the ‘Sungod’. ‘Solar’ means ‘related to the sun’. The family of the sun is, therefore, called the solar system.


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How wonderful it is to watch the sky after sunset! One would first notice one or two bright dots shining in the sky. Soon you would see the number increasing. You cannot count them any more. The whole sky is filled with tiny shining objects – some are bright, others dim. It seems as if the sky is studded with diamonds.
They all appear to be twinkling. But if you look at them carefully you will notice that some of them do not twinkle as others do. They simply glow without any flicker just as the moon shines.
Along with these bright objects, you may also see the moon on most of the days. It may, however, appear at different times, in different shapes and at different positions. You can see the full moon only once in about a month’s time. It is Full moon night or Poornima. A fortnight later, you cannot see it at all. It is a New moon night or Amavasya. On this day, you can watch the night sky best, provided it is a clear night.
The sun, the moon and all those objects shining in the night sky are called celestial bodies.
Some celestial bodies are very big and hot. They are made up of gases. They have their own heat and
light, which they emit in large amounts. These celestial bodies are called stars. The sun is a star.
While watching the night sky, you may notice various patterns formed by different groups of stars. These are called constellations. Ursa Major or Big Bear is one such constellation. One of the most easily recognisable constellation is the small bear or Saptarishi (Sapta-seven, rishi-sages).
                                                                   FIGURE 1
It is a group of seven stars (Figure 1) that forms a part of the large Ursa Major Constellation. Ask someone elder in your family or neighbourhood to show you more stars, planets and constellations in the sky.

In ancient times, people used to
determine directions during the night
with the help of stars. The North star
indicates the north direction. It is also
called the Pole Star. It always remains
in the same position in the sky. We can
locate the position of the Pole Star with the help of the Saptarishi. Look at Figure 1. You will notice that, if an imaginary line is drawn joining
the pointer stars and extended further, it will point to the Pole Star.
Some celestial bodies do not have their own heat and light. They are lit by the light of the stars. Such bodies are called planets. The word ‘planet’ comes from the Greek word “Planetai” which means‘wanderers’.
The earth on which we live is a planet. It gets all its heat and light from the sun, which is our nearest star.
If we look at the earth from a great distance, say the moon, it will appear to be shining just as the moon.
The moon that we see in the sky is a satellite. It is a companion of our earth and moves round it. Like our
earth, there are eight other planets that get heat andlight from the sun. Some of them have their moons too.

Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus have rings around them. These are belts of small debris. These rings may be seen from the earth with the help of powerful telescopes.

Different Memristor model for Psipce

*Memristor modeling based on its constitutive relation
*Viera Biolkova, Zdenek Kolka, Zdenek Biolek, and Dalibor Biolek
.subckt QC_memristor in+ in- params: qinit 0.03
.param r1 5 r3 10k
EQ Q 0 value={qinit+SDT(i(ER))}
R1 in+ 1 {r1}
ER 1 in- value={(3*r3*V(Q)^2)*i(ER)}
.ends QC_memristor

CNN Using Memristors for Neighborhood Connections
Eero Lehtonen, Mika Laiho
University of Turku
*CNN Using Memristors for Neighborhood Connections
*Eero Lehtonen, Mika Laiho
.SUBCKT memristor Plus Minuss 0 PARAMS:
+ a=2 b=9 c=0.01 g=4 n=4 q=13 p=1
+lim_max=0.95 lim_min=0.05 skaala=10n rleak=0.01
Rseries Minuss Minus 0.01Meg
Gxpos 0 x value={ sign2(-V(x) +lim_max)*sign2(V(plus,minus))*(( V(Plus,Minus) )ˆq)*f(V(x),p) }
Gxneg 0 x value={ sign2( V(x) -lim_min)*sign2(V(minus,plus))*(( V(Plus,Minus) )ˆq)*f(V(x),p) }
Cx x 0 0.00008
Raux x 0 0.01T
.IC V(x) 0.15
Gmem plus minus value={ (((V(x)ˆn)+rleak)*b*sinh(a*V(plus,minus))+c*( exp(g*V(plus,minus))-1 ))*skaala }
Exn xn 0 value={ (V(x))ˆn }
Rxn xn 0 0.01T
*window function, according to Joglekar
.func f(x,p)={1-(2*x-1)ˆ(2*p)}
.func sign2(val)=(sign(val)+1)/2
.ENDS memristor

SPICE Modeling of Memristive, Memcapacitative
and Meminductive Systems 
Circuit Theory and Design, 2009. ECCTD 2009. European Conference on
*SPICE Modeling of Memristive, Memcapacitative
*and Meminductive Systems with joglekar window function
*Dalibor Biolek
.SUBCKT memristor Plus Minus PARAMS:
+ Ron=1K Roff=100K Rinit=80K D=10N uv=10F p=1
Gx 0 x value={ I(Emem)*uv*Ron/D^2*f(V(x),p)}
Cx x 0 1 IC={(Roff-Rinit)/(Roff-Ron)}
Raux x 0 1G
Emem plus aux value={-I(Emem)*V(x)*(Roff-Ron)}
Roff aux minus {Roff}
.func f(x,p)={1-(2*x-1)^(2*p)}
.ENDS memristor

Macromodeling of the Memristor in SPICE
***Macromodelling of memristor
.SUBCKT memristor 1 2 6
Eres 1 9 POLY(2)
+(8, 0) (11, 0) 0 0 0 0 1
Vsense 9 4 DC 0V
Fcopy 0 8 Vsense 1
Rstep 8 0 1K
Rser 2 4 10
Fmem 6 0 POLY(2) Vsense
+Ecopy -0.5E-10 0 1E-10 0 -1 0 0 0 1
Cmem 6 0 90nF
Rsp 6 0 1000Meg
Ecopy 7 0 0 6 1
Rc 7 0 1
Ecpy2 10 0 6 0 1
Vref ref 0 DC 1V
R1 10 11 100K
Ssat1 11 0 0 11 SWX
Ssat2 11 ref 11 ref SWX
.MODEL SWX SW(Ron=0.001, Roff=1000Meg,
+Vt=0.00001V, Vh=0.00001V)

SPICE model of memristive devices with threshold
Yuriy V. PERSHIN1, Massimiliano DI VENTRA2
***SPICE model of memristive devices with threshold
****Yuriy V. Pershin and Massimiliano Di Ventra
.subckt memristor pl mn PARAMS: Ron=1K Roff=10K Rinit=5K beta=1E13 Vt=4.6 nu1=0.0001 nu2=0.1
Gx 0 x value={f1(V(pl)-V(mn))*(f2(f1(V(pl)-V(mn)))*f3(Roff-V(x))+f2(-f1(V(pl)-V(mn)))*f3(V(x)-Ron))}
Raux x 0 1E12
Cx x 0 1 IC={Rinit}
Gpm pl mn value={(V(pl)-V(mn))/V(x)}
.func f1(y)={beta*(y-Vt)*f2(y-Vt)+beta*(y+Vt)*f2(-y-Vt)}
.func f2(y)={1/(exp(-y/nu1)+1)}
.func f3(y)={1/(exp(-y/nu2)+1)}

*With window function given in A Versatile Memristor Model With
*Zdenek BIOLEK, Dalibor BIOLEK, Viera BIOLKOVÁ
* HP Memristor SPICE Model
* For Transient Analysis only
* created by Zdenek and Dalibor Biolek
* Ron, Roff - Resistance in ON / OFF States
* Rinit - Resistance at T=0
* D - Width of the thin film
* uv - Migration coefficient
* p - Parameter of the WINDOW-function
* for modeling nonlinear boundary conditions
* x - W/D Ratio, W is the actual width
* of the doped area (from 0 to D)
.SUBCKT memristor Plus Minus PARAMS:
+ Ron=1K Roff=100K Rinit=80K D=10N uv=10F p=10
Gx 0 x value={ I(Emem)*uv*Ron/D^2*f(V(x),p)}
Cx x 0 1 IC={(Roff-Rinit)/(Roff-Ron)}
Raux x 0 1T
Emem plus aux value={-I(Emem)*V(x)*(Roff-Ron)}
Roff aux minus {Roff}
*Flux computation*
Eflux flux 0 value={SDT(V(plus,minus))}
*Charge computation*
Echarge charge 0 value={SDT(I(Emem))}
*window function, according to Joglekar
;.func f(x,p)={1-(2*x-1)^(2*p)}
*proposed window function
;.func f(x,i,p)={1-(x-stp(-i))^(2*p)}
*proposed by prodromakis
.func f(x,p)={1-(((x-0.5)**2)+0.75)**p}
.ENDS memristor

SPICE Model of Memristor with Nonlinear Dopant Drift
RADIOENGINEERING, VOL. 18, NO. 2, JUNE 2009 *SPICE Model of Memristor with Nonlinear Dopant Drift
*Zdenek BIOLEK, Dalibor BIOLEK, Viera BIOLKOVÁ
* HP Memristor SPICE Model
* For Transient Analysis only
* created by Zdenek and Dalibor Biolek
* Ron, Roff - Resistance in ON / OFF States
* Rinit - Resistance at T=0
* D - Width of the thin film
* uv - Migration coefficient
* p - Parameter of the WINDOW-function
* for modeling nonlinear boundary conditions
* x - W/D Ratio, W is the actual width
* of the doped area (from 0 to D)
.SUBCKT memristor Plus Minus PARAMS:
+ Ron=1K Roff=100K Rinit=80K D=10N uv=10F p=10
Gx 0 x value={ I(Emem)*uv*Ron/D^2*f(V(x),I(Emem),p)}
Cx x 0 1 IC={(Roff-Rinit)/(Roff-Ron)}
Raux x 0 1T
Emem plus aux value={-I(Emem)*V(x)*(Roff-Ron)}
Roff aux minus {Roff}
*Flux computation*
Eflux flux 0 value={SDT(V(plus,minus))}
*Charge computation*
Echarge charge 0 value={SDT(I(Emem))}
*window function, according to Joglekar
;.func f(x,p)={1-(2*x-1)^(2*p)}
*proposed window function
.func f(x,i,p)={1-(x-stp(-i))^(2*p)}
.ENDS memristor

SPICE Model of Memristor with Nonlinear Dopant Drift
*Zdenek BIOLEK, Dalibor BIOLEK, Viera BIOLKOVÁ
* HP Memristor SPICE Model
* For Transient Analysis only
*With Strokov window function (Published in Nature paper "Missing Memristor found")
* created by Zdenek and Dalibor Biolek
* Ron, Roff - Resistance in ON / OFF States
* Rinit - Resistance at T=0
* D - Width of the thin film
* uv - Migration coefficient
* p - Parameter of the WINDOW-function
* for modeling nonlinear boundary conditions
* x - W/D Ratio, W is the actual width
* of the doped area (from 0 to D)
.SUBCKT memristor Plus Minus PARAMS:
+ Ron=1K Roff=100K Rinit=80K D=10N uv=10F p=10
Gx 0 x value={ I(Emem)*uv*Ron/D^2*f(V(x),p)}
Cx x 0 1 IC={(Roff-Rinit)/(Roff-Ron)}
Raux x 0 1T
Emem plus aux value={-I(Emem)*V(x)*(Roff-Ron)}
Roff aux minus {Roff}
*Flux computation*
Eflux flux 0 value={SDT(V(plus,minus))}
*Charge computation*
Echarge charge 0 value={SDT(I(Emem))}
*window function, according to Joglekar
;.func f(x,p)={1-(2*x-1)^(2*p)}
*proposed window function
;.func f(x,i,p)={1-(x-stp(-i))^(2*p)}
*Strokov window function
.func f(x,p)={x-x*2}
.ENDS memristor

SPICE Modeling of Memristors
Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2011 IEEE International Symposium on
**SPICE Modeling of Memristors
*****Hisham Abdalla
.SUBCKT modelmemristor plus minus PARAMS:
+phio=0.95 Lm=0.0998 w1=0.1261 foff=3.5e-6
+ioff=115e-6 aoff=1.2 fon=40e-6 ion=8.9e-6
+aon=1.8 b=500e-6 wc=107e-3
G1 plus internal value={sgn(V(x))*(1/V(dw))^2*0.0617*(V(phiI)*exp(-V(B)*V(sr))-(V(phiI)+abs(V(x)))*exp(-V(B)*V(sr2)))}
Esr sr 0 value={sqrt(V(phiI))}
Esr2 sr2 0 value={sqrt(V(phiI)+abs(V(x)))}
Rs internal minus 215
Eg x 0 value={V(plus)-V(internal)}
Elamda Lmda 0 value={Lm/V(w)}
Ew2 w2 0 value={w1+V(w)-(0.9183/(2.85+4*V(Lmda)-2*abs(V(x))))}
EDw dw 0 value={V(w2)-w1}
EB B 0 value={10.246*V(dw)}
ER R 0 value={(V(w2)/w1)*(V(w)-w1)/(V(w)-V(w2))}
EphiI phiI 0 value={phio-abs(V(x))*((w1+V(w2))/(2*V(w)))-1.15*V(Lmda)*V(w)*log(V(R))/V(dw)}
C1 w 0 1e-9 IC=1.2
R w 0 1e8MEG
Ec c 0 value={abs(V(internal)-V(minus))/215}
Emon1 mon1 0 value={((V(w)-aoff)/wc)-(V(c)/b)}
Emon2 mon2 0 value={(aon-V(w))/wc-(V(c)/b)}
Goff 0 w value={foff*sinh(stp(V(x))*V(c)/ioff)*exp(-exp(V(mon1))-V(w)/wc)}
Gon w 0 value={fon*sinh(stp(-V(x))*V(c)/ion)*exp(-exp(V(mon2))-V(w)/wc)}
.ENDS modelmemristor

Monte carlo Simulation of Memristors (Memristor Framework) :

Science and Bible : Part 3

Bible taken from :

1. First of all snacks can n’t talk like humans .They do n’t have vocal chord like humans.

2. If God don’t want that man/woman don’t eat the fruit from midst of the garden. He could have placed Cherubims, and a flaming sword initially. Rather than waiting things to happen then take action. After all he is all Blah ,blah.
3. The lady, who talked to serpent, was a complete idiot.
4. Why God don’t want that mankind understand difference between good and evil

5. How could they sew leaves together, and made themselves aprons. For that we need
needle and thread ? Needle and Thread is clearly manmade objects in later centuries.

6. Why god is asking to Adam Where art thou? ,If he was/is omnipresent, omnipotent, all knowing.

8. Verse no.14, has no meaning , This curse is a ridicule.
1. This curse will be effective only when before the curse, serpent has legs and He lost them after curse.
2. dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life.
We know serpent don’t eat dust.
9. Verse no.15, is not so effective.  In many cultures snakes are considered troublesome but not enemy. 

10. How did Adam come to know about sex ?

11. Why did God make the coat of skin. Atleast he should made coat of cotton, cloths of advanced materials as he was God. Coat of skin did not suit his Godness.

12. “And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us,” This verse clearly gives some important indications:
1. “ONE OF US” how many GODs are there?
2. God had feeling of insecurity as Adam has knowledge of good and evil, now if he become immortal, he will become “one of us”.
3. Does only two these two qualities make him equal to god? What about other qualities (omnipresent, omnipotent, all knowing).
4. God‘s act in verse 23,24 is quite similar to a man’s act who do not want to share his authority with others.
In other sense this God has more attributes of man.