This section will provide you links to download some essential softwares :
HJSPILT EAGLE PCB CRACKED AVR8_Burn-O-Mat{(direct download ),The AVR8 Burn-O-Mat is written in Java so you need to intall java from AVR BURN-O -MAT (HOME PAGE) Alcohol INTERNET DOWNLOAD MANAGER (IDM)(CRACKED) winavr(sourceforge) |
Different Memristor model for Psipce |
Clock Domain Crossing (CDC) Design & Verification Techniques Using SystemVerilog:
Simulation and Synthesis Techniques for Asynchronous FIFO Design with Asynchronous Pointer Comparisons:
Simulation and Synthesis Techniques for Asynchronous FIFO Design
Verilog Nonblocking Assignments With Delays, Myths & Mysteries
Synthesis and Scripting Techniques for Designing Multi-Asynchronous Clock Designs:
Asynchronous & Synchronous Reset Design Techniques - Part Deux
Fourteen Ways to Fool Your Synchronizer:
Vimanika Shastra : English Translation by G.R.Josyer (written by Maharshi Bharadwaaj)
Little Black Book of Computer Virus By Mark Ludwig
The Norman Book on Computer Virus
The Giant Black Book of Computer Viruses By Mark Ludwig
Digital Integrated Circuit Design From VLSI Architectures to CMOS Fabrication BY Hubert Kaeslin ETH Z¨urich
The Murder of History : A Critique of History Textbooks used in Pakistan By K K Aziz |
Design of op amp sine wave oscillators : Ampilfiers : OPAMPs
Electromagnetic Field Theory:
Magnetic Materials:
Types of Magnetic Materials:
Why ice floats on water?
New CEO of Google : Sundar Pichai
Why are beverages in aluminum and glass containers retain their carbonization for longer time, whereas those in two-liter plastic bottles “go flat” within a few months?
Which Metal Alloys Used for Euro Coins ? and Other Low-Expansion Alloys Aluminum for Integrated Circuit Interconnects Lead-Free Solders |
Solution Manuals:
Ancient India as described by Megasthenês and Arrian; being a translation of the fragments of the Indika of Megasthenês collected by Dr. Schwanbeck, and of the first part of the Indika of Arrian, ($b68657&view=1up&seq=7)
Ancient India as described by Ptolemy (
Electronic Principles by Albert Malvino (Solution Manual)
Solution Manual of Signals and Systems second edition Alan V Oppenheim, Alan S. Willsky, S. Hamid Nawab
Solution Manual of Silicon VLSI Technology , Fundamentals, Practice and models By James D.Plummer, Michael D. Deal, Peter B. Griffin
Crystal structure
Answer manual of Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits by Razavi
Solution Manual Semiconductor Device Fundamentals By Robert F. Pierret
Communication Systems 4th edition Simon Haykin with solution manual
CMOS VLSI DESIGN (Solution manual) By Neil Waste and David Harris
Semiconductor Device Fundamental (Solution Manual) by Robert F. Pierret
Microelectronic Circuits (Solution Manual,5 edition) By Adel S. Sedra and Kenneth C. Simth
Introduction to VLSI circuits (Solution manual) by John P.Uyemura
Stochastic calculus for finance(Solution Manual) by Steven Shreve.
Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes (Solutions Manual) by Athanasios Papoulis ,S. Unnikrishna Pillai
NETWORK ANALYSIS 3 EDITION By M. E. Van Valkenburg and Mac Elwyn Van Valkenburg
The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
The French Revolution : Bastille
French Society during the Late Eighteenth Century
French Society during the Late Eighteenth Century: A Growing Middle Class Envisages an End to Privileges
The French Revolution: Outbreak of the Revolution
The French Revolution: Political symbols
The French Revolution: France Becomes a Constitutional Monarchy
The French Revolution: France Abolishes Monarchy and Becomes a Republic
The French Revolution : The Reign of Terror
The French Revolution : After the fall of Jacobins
The French Revolution : Did Women have a Revolution?
The French Revolution: The Abolition of Slavery
The French Revolution : The Abolition of Slavery - Haitian Revolution
The French Revolution : The French Republican Calendar
The French Revolution: War in the Vendée "The ODD ONE"
The French Revolution: France Becomes a Constitutional Monarchy
The French Revolution: The Abolition of Slavery
The French Revolution : The Abolition of Slavery - Haitian Revolution French Revolution : The French Republican Calendar
The French Revolution: War in the Vendée "The ODD ONE"
The Coming of Socialism to Europe in Europe and the Russian Revolution
The Russian Revolution
GPAW: DFT and beyond within the projector-augmented wave method
GPAW is a density-functional theory (DFT) Python code based on the projector-augmented wave (PAW) method and the atomic simulation environment (ASE). It uses real-space uniform grids and multigrid methods, atom-centered basis-functions or plane-waves.
Quick links to all features:
Many other periodic tables use the word interactive to describe themselves while offering nothing more than links to pages of data about elements. Pages of data are fine, and Ptable "outsources" these write-ups to others like Wikipedia and WebElements through the dropdown in the first tab. Ptable shines when used as a true application, more interactive and dynamic than any standalone software. Please continue reading to learn about all the interesting things you can do with Ptable that make Mendeleev's creation come alive.
What free software do you use to analyze XRD data? OF CRYSTALLOGRAPHY:UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA _SOFTWARE_XRD
ISIS:GudrunX to analysis X-ray data
XRDCALC @Geologynet
XRDCALC is a Windows powder diffraction utility for identifying phases, calculating and plotting powder diffraction data. XRDCALC calculates d-spacings and two-theta and plots digital scan files, two-theta or d-spacing vs intensity stick plots and peak profiles. Designed for mineral powder diffraction data.
Geologynet was originally created in the mid 1990's...lots of information has been added since then. We now have over 2000 links to geology related software, information and products. The original software is still available, having undergone many updates. My flagship product, Winrock contains a great deal of original code developed by myself to classify and analyze a variety of rocktypes.
X0h Web interface to compute crystal susceptibilities for medium-energy X-rays (0.1–10Å) for some crystals. Also provides the Bragg peak halfwidth, extinction and absorption lengths. Uses International Tables for f' and f" and interpolates them for intermediate wavelengths with the help of algorithm. Results must be treated with care in a close vicinity of absorption edges. Lugovskaya, O.M. & Stepanov, S.A. (1991). Sov. Phys. Crystallogr. 36, 478–481.
XABS2 Empirical absorption correction program from Davis
XAct Application that can be used to construct, maintain, and record the results of many crystallisation experiments. Through an extensive object-oriented data structure, the program supports multiple users each with many crystallisation experiments organised in a hierarchical fashion.
XBroad A public domain program designed for easy determination of basic microstructural information from powder X-ray diffraction data.
XCAD4 Lp-correction of ENRAF-NONIUS CAD4-diffractometer data. Program written by Klaus Harms, University of Marburg.
XCrySDen XCrySDen is a crystalline and molecular structure visualisation program aiming at display of isosurfaces and contours, which can be superimposed on crystalline structures and interactively rotated and manipulated. It runs on GNU/Linux.
XDSAPP Graphical user interface for the convenient processing of diffraction data using XDS.
XFIT Peak fitting program by Alan Coelho and Bob Cheary.
XITE X-based Image processing Tools and Environment
XLAT (LSQ) program for the precise refinement of cell constants. Limited to the more frequent cases of higher symmetry, ie. cubic, tetragonal, hexagonal and orthorhombic unit cells.
XLMCTEP Graphic representation of small crystallographic structures.
XmMol XmMol is a desktop macromolecular visualization and modeling tool designed to be easy to use, configure and enhance. Includes: interactive graphics of macromolecules, strong ability to be interfaced with external programs, some modelling tools and more.
XMol Molecule viewer and format converter developed by Minnesota Supercomputer Center, Inc. (MSCI).
XND Rietveld refinement program for real time powder diffraction patterns. The aim of the program is to provide an easy approach to the treatment of multiple diffraction patterns arising from a large number of physical and chemical problems as the study of phase transition and in the real time monitoring of reactions.
Xop Widget based interface which drives different programs to compute synchrotron radiation source spectra (bending magnet, wigglers and undulators), reflection and transmission characteristics of optical elements such as mirror, filters, flat crystals, bent perfect crystals, and multilayers. Also includesprograms for multi-purpose data analysis and visualization.
XPACE Python script to store and analyse the outcome of the factorial designs of macromolecular crystallization experiments for X-ray diffraction.
X-PLOR Simulated annealing refinement. The new release, X-PLOR 98.0 offers substantial new capabilities for both X-ray crystallographic and NMR structure refinement including: maximum likelihood methods for X-ray structure refinement; optimized torsion angle dynamic (TAD) methods; Validated scripts for TAD with NMR distance restraints; ambiguous restraints for iterative assignment (ARIA) technology; novel technology for NOE refinement.
X-PLOR GUI Graphical user interface to facilitate input of data, submission of computation tasks and progress monitoring for X-PLOR jobs.
X-PLOR Hetero compounds library X-PLOR topology and parameter files for hetero compounds. The entries were generated automatically with the XPLO2D program from the hetero.pdb collection from Uppsala.
XPLOT Manipulation of XRD scan data for powdered samples.
XPMA Mouse-driven menu-based graphical program for the manipulation of crystal structures.
XPowder This program can collect data from diffractometer (from any kind of diffractometer), this software includes some analysis tools. See also
XR95 Simulation of diffraction patterns for various X-ray techniques.
XRAYACS LP corrections for single crystal X-ray data from CAD4 for SHELX set of programs. Also empirical absorption corrections (on F or F^2) using (upto 100 sets of) psi data! or similar to DIFABS (references are given in the program). Other minor programs are available.
Xraydif1 Shareware version of theoretical, X-ray powder diffraction, profile simulator by Todd Warren Snyder.
X-Ray Diffraction Simulator Provides a graphical user interface to a computer simulation of x-ray powder diffraction of two-dimensional crystals.
X-Ray interaction with matter A number of X-ray calculations through a web form. For instance: X-ray reflectivity, X-ray transmission.
XRAYSCAN Indexing program considering dense spurious peaks in an optimization method. Hwang, J.S. & Tien, C. (1996). Chin. J. Phys. 34, 47-57.
XRayView Teaching Aid for X-ray Crystallography
XRD2DScan Tool for displaying and analyzing two-dimensional (2D) X-ray diffraction patterns collected using a diffractometer equipped with a 2D or area detector. Can find the direct beam or the pattern center even when detector is at a angle different from zero. It can calculated different types of scans, also work in batch mode to analyse many data files.
XRDA XRDA 3.1 is meant to accomplish the complete handling and analysis of X-ray diffraction data, recorded in either the energy-dispersive or angle-dispersive mode. The analysis per se is done following six major steps: (1) peak profile fittings using preset common profile functions or user-defined profile functions (2) organization of X-ray diffraction lines under different groups (phases) if a pattern is one of a multi-phase sample (3) assignment of Miller indices to the fitted lines (4) definition of the Bravais lattice and the atomic positions for each phase as required (5) lattice parameter fitting and diffraction intensity calculation.
XRDCALC Powder diffraction utility for converting and plotting powder diffraction data. Calculates d-spacings and two-theta and plots two-theta or d-spacing vs intensity stick plots and peak profiles.
XrfTable A program that computes X-ray excitation and absorption wavelength and replaces the traditional crystal table. It acts also as an XRF spectrometer simulator, which helps predicting most problems commonly encountered by the spectroscopist. Now obsolete.
XRS X-ray Rietveld system collection of programs for crystal structural analysis with powder diffraction data. It provides routines at all levels of the analysis - examples are Fourier transforms and least-squares refinements, and also programs to aid in the interpretation and publication of the refined results.
XR-shape Subprogram of XR95 compiled for separate release. It allows you to draw the habit of a crystal after giving the indices of the planes (hkl) and their distances from the origin. T
XRSV a program for displaying structure on a PC-AT.
XSAS-Collect Flexible user-friendly standard for XAS data acquisition. Incorporates automated features and design to facilitate a rapid experimental startup. To further assist in startup, the software has been designed to perform an XAS experiment in logical steps, starting with beamline alignment, then detector setup, file preparation, and initializing an experimental run.
Xtal Package of 60 programs oriented towards small molecule automated structure solution, refinement, visualization, preparing publication quality tables and ORTEPs, CIF reading and writing. Additional leanings towards high precision charge density work - atomic charge calculations, contour and electric field maps +powder pattern calculation and visualization. Developed at the University of Western Australia.
Xtal-3D 3D crystal structures in VRML from the ILL Diffraction Group.
XTAL4POV Crystal shape generator by Klaus Kosten,
Xtalbase data management system for macromolecular crystallography. Developed in order to aid the crystallographer in designing, preparing, documenting and evaluating crystallization experiments.
Xtaldraw Interactive computer graphics program. Displays, manipulates and analyzes ball and stick, polyhedral and thermal ellipsoid colored drawings of any crystal structure or molecule.
Xtal_GX Xtal_GX consists of a subset of the Xtal 3.4 programs necessary for reading and writing CIFs, preparing publication quality postscript or HPGL figures of molecules and cells, and interactively displaying and manipulating the structural geometry. Extensive documentation is also available in postscript format.
XtalView Package for fitting electron density maps and solving structures by MIR and MAD written by Duncan McRee at Scripps.
XYLEM Create and manipulate database subsets.
Profex is a graphical user interface for Rietveld refinement of powder X-ray diffraction data with the program BGMN. It provides a large number of convenience features and facilitates the use of the BGMN Rietveld backend in many ways.
A Rietveld extended program to perform the combined analysis. It can be used to fit diffraction, fluorescence and reflectivity data using X-ray, neutron, TOF or electrons.
MAUD stands for Material Analysis Using Diffraction.
It is a general diffraction/reflectivity analysis program mainly based on the Rietveld method, but not limited to.
It is a general diffraction/reflectivity analysis program mainly based on the Rietveld method, but not limited to.
Windows64 Instructions Objects for Crystallography
Institute of Crystallography, Bari
The software packages currently developed at IC are:
- Sir: a widely used package for the solution and refinement of small single-crystal structures using either X-ray or electron diffraction data. It is also included in IL MILIONE.
- IL MILIONE: a suite of computer programs devoted to protein crystal structure determination by X-ray crystallography. The package currently contains the programSir2008 for the solution and refinement of small structures. Sir2011 will be included in a short time.
- EXPO2014: an integrated package for the indexation of a powder diffraction pattern, the extraction of integrated intensities, the space group determination, the crystal structure solution via Direct Methods and/or by a direct-space approach, and the structure refinement by the Rietveld technique.
- QualX2: a computer program for phase identification using powder diffraction data.
- Quanto: a Rietveld program for quantitative phase analysis of polycrystalline mixtures from powder diffraction data.
- CAOS: the Crystal Analysis Operating System.
- SunBIM: a suite of programs for the supra- and sub-molecular X-ray imaging of nano and bio materials with SAXS, WAXS, GISAXS and GIWAXS techniques.
UK Centre for Materials Education
Working with you to enhance the student experience
Working with you to enhance the student experience
MATTER was set up as a non-profit consortium of UK materials science departments in 1993 to develop and help integrate computer-based learning (CBL) materials into mainstream teaching.
Led by the University of Liverpool, MATTER was originally one of over 70 different projects funded by the Teaching and Learning Technology Programme (TLTP). This phase of the project resulted in the publication in 1996 of the award-winning Materials Science on CD-ROM, with a second version being released in 1998. This has now become the leading software resource of its type, and is in use in universities throughout the world. In 1997, Materials Science on CD-ROM was unanimously voted by public jury as winner of the Educational Video/ CD-ROM/CDi competition at EUROMAT '97, held in Maastricht, Netherlands.
More recently, our activities have expanded to include the development of science-based software resources for schools, industry and other science disciplines in universities. In keeping with the explosive growth of the internet in the past few years, all our software is now developed for web-delivery. For example, in 1999, we worked in partnership with Corus (formerly British Steel) and the University of Birmingham to produce SteelMATTER - a set of on-line resources for ferrous metallurgy.
Introduction to Crystallography
3-D Crystallography | View as Web Page
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Crystal Structures | View as Web Page
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Indexing Directions and Planes | View as Web Page
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Introduction to Electrons in Crystals
Introduction to Energy Levels | View as Web Page
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Electron Atom Interactions | View as Web Page
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Density of States | View as Web Page
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Conduction | View as Web Page
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Introduction to Point Defects
Vacancies | View as Web Page
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Interstitials | View as Web Page
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Introduction to Phase Diagrams
Phase Diagrams from Thermal Analysis | View as Web Page
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Alloy Constitution | View as Webpage
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Simple Alloy Systems | View as Webpage
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Eutectic Alloy Systems | View as Web Page
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Introduction to Electron Microscopes
Introduction | View as Web Page
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Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEM) | View as Web Page
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Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM) | View as Web Page
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Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopes (STEM) | View as Web Page
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*For import into a VLE
GSL - GNU Scientific Library
The GNU Scientific Library (GSL) is a numerical library for C and C++ programmers. It is free software under the GNU General Public License.The library provides a wide range of mathematical routines such as random number generators, special functions and least-squares fitting. There are over 1000 functions in total with an extensive test suite.The complete range of subject areas covered by the library includes,
Complex Numbers | Roots of Polynomials |
Special Functions | Vectors and Matrices |
Permutations | Sorting |
BLAS Support | Linear Algebra |
Eigensystems | Fast Fourier Transforms |
Quadrature | Random Numbers |
Quasi-Random Sequences | Random Distributions |
Statistics | Histograms |
N-Tuples | Monte Carlo Integration |
Simulated Annealing | Differential Equations |
Interpolation | Numerical Differentiation |
Chebyshev Approximation | Series Acceleration |
Discrete Hankel Transforms | Root-Finding |
Minimization | Least-Squares Fitting |
Physical Constants | IEEE Floating-Point |
Discrete Wavelet Transforms | Basis splines |
Running Statistics | Sparse Matrices and Linear Algebra |
The interactive Ellingham diagram:University of Cambridge
The interactive Ellingham diagram included within this TLP is a teaching and learning tool, which you can use to obtain a variety of useful thermodynamic information pertaining to a wide range of reactions. pO2 from the Ellingham diagram:
In to avoid calculating the equilibrium partial pressure for each value of ΔG°, Richardson2 added a nomographic scale to the Ellingham diagram. The equilibrium partial pressure is found as follows:
A line is drawn from the origin of the graph (T = 0, ΔG = 0) through the point on the Ellingham line of interest, at the required temperature. The equilibrium partial pressure is read off at the point where the drawn line crosses the nomographic scale.
SEM Image Processing:
ImageJ: (