Saturday, February 19, 2011


basic telnet tutorial

This is a simple telnet (on WINDOWS sorry Unix people) tutorial written by ME as an intro. Telnet can be very useful, from getting access to computers to "viewing" (more like reading, I guess) a site off of DOS.

First of all I will explain how to start up telnet. There are multiple ways to start up telnet:

1. From the DOS prompt

a. To start up the DOS prompt

i. click on Start

ii. click on Run

iii. For older version of windows type in command or and for new versions type in cmd or cmd.exe and click OK.

iv. You can also go to My Computer then the drive with windows installed on it

v. Some windows go to folder winnt and others the folder windows (which one should be obvious to you but if you don't know simply go to the one with more stuff in it)

vi. Go to System32

vii. Open cmd.exe or (explanation on which is in step iii)

b. Start telnet

2. Directly

a. Type in telnet

b. Click on Run

c. Type in telnet

d. Or you can do step v. and then vi. of part a.

e. And open telnet.exe

Ok, that's finally done

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