Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Science and Bible :Part 2

Genesis: Chapter 2
Genesis Chapter 2 is good enough for a medieval mind which did not understand much of the universe.
So collectors, who collected the Bible from different sources, picked the verse which held God/Allah (A name for unknown origin) accountable for everything.
But there are some logical problems with this particular section.
1. This particular section ruled out existence of bacteria, virus and other micro-organisms.
Verse no.19 and no.5, 20, 21 logically eliminate the possibility of the existence of micro-organisms (bacteria, virus etc.).As Adam have given the name to everything which is created by “GOD”. If God/Allah created   bacteria, virus then Adam should have given them (micro organisms) some sort of names. This leads to a logical conclusion that mankind knew about micro-organisms even before birth of Christ!!!!!
But as a fact we know humanity was unaware of existence micro-organisms (bacteria, virus etc.) till 17th century.
2. Verse no. 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 is clear example of medieval and incomplete information of world map when these verses are written. These verses clearly shows the intention of writer treating Garden of Eden (probably imaginary as well) as a far better place (with ample amount of water) to live than the dry/dessert area in which he (writer) probably used to live.
3. Verse no.10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 clearly shows that writer did not know anything about much bigger rivers like Amazon, Ganga and Brahmputra. Due to his limited knowledge he (writer) wrote the name of locally known rivers.
4. Verse no. 21, 22 and 23 clearly shows these verses were written by some men, not by women.
5. Verse no. 21, 22 and 23 was foundation stones of suppression of women over which entire structure of suppression of women was later built  by church.
6. Verse no. 17 is the example of LIE which was spoken by God. As we know in upcoming chapter after eating “the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil or the fruit of tree of life”, Adam remains alive.
7. Verse no. 17 suggests that God didn’t want Adam to eat the fruits of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life.
There are some serious question with his approach
(i). Why he told a lie to Adam? He could have made a wall/a force field or any other kind of mumbo-jumbo by magic to stop Adam.
 8. Verse no. 25 suggests God can create universe and stars but not pants!!!!
9. Why did God take Seven days to create universe? He could have done in a minute.

10. It does not explain the existence of newly found underwater cities in India such as Dawarka which are atleast as old as 7000-9000 BCE.
11. It does not explain why stars are fromed or destroyed even today in universe?
12. Why   stars have a age difference of millions of years?
This portion of Bible is good explanation of things and universe in ancient and medieval times when Human did not understand much of world around them.
So the writers of these verses held God (A name for unknown origin) accountable which they did not understand.

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